The air flow is intended to assure that the UV tubes are provided with adequate ventilation so that they operate at their optimal temperature. A clear cover 86 having air channeling fins 88 integrated therewith provide the channel ways for proper air flow so that the UV tubes 90 are maintained in a temperature controlled environment.
The canopy is provided with fans 84 that lead from a cowling 82 in a manner similar to the bench.
Specifically, filters 72 are replaceable by removing the end cap 89 (having foramen 49) from the end walls 66. In addition, the canopy 60 includes similar filters 72 which allow air to pass within the interior 74 of the canopy and be exhausted via slits 76 provided in the canopy cover 62 after having passed through the end wall 66 via holes 78.
Similarly, the canopy 60 has an arcuate top cover 62 (concave towards the bench) and elongate side walls 64 terminated by end walls 66 which have the same removable attachment features that the bench has.